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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

GC Focus - How GlaxoSmithKline uses AFA's and Project Management

Lindsay Griffiths, the Director of Global Relationship Management, of the International Lawyers Network, has a great write-up of a panel discussion on project management, fee arrangements and what law firm's need to do serve their clients' needs in a relatively fast moving landscape.

The panel was held in April at the Legal Marketing Association annual conference:

"GC Focus: Project Management. Position Your Firm in Alignment With the Unique Challenges Faced by In-house Counsel." 

Panelists included: 

Keith Isgett, the Managing Attorney-General - Global External Legal Relations, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Justin Ergler, Sourcing Group Manager, Legal Services Procurement, GlaxoSmithKline
Nat Slavin, Founder and Partner of Wicker Park Group
With Moderator Alicia Brown, Director of Strategic Relationships for Bloomberg Law. 

Closing comments are words to live by:

Nat Slavin: Relentlessly ask your partners what matters to their clients and share that at your firm, one size fits one. 

Keith Isgett: Train your folks on alternative fees speak, so that they understand what's being said. 

Justin Ergler : Change with your clients - don't react. Understand where they're going, and be there with them. 

Read the entire article here at Lindsay's great Zen & The Art of Legal Networking site.